diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012

Song translation!

This is one of James Morrison's songs which I like most, but I love him and ALL the songs that the singer composes, because they are very romantic and calm...

If You Don't Wanna Love Me" - James Morrison

When you lower me down - Quan em baixis cap avall
So deep that I, I can't get out - Tan avall que no pugui sortir
When you're lost, lost and alone - Quan estiguis perdut, perdut i sol
If you don't want me to leave then don't push me away - Si no vols que me'n vagi, no m'apartis
Rather blow out the lights you can watch it all fade - Millor desconecta la llum i podràs veure-ho tot descoloritBut I'm going nowhere - pero no me'n aniré enlloc

I'm gonna stay - em quedaré
When you just wanna fight - si tu lluites
When you're closing your eyes - si tu tanques els ulls
'cause you don't wanna love me- perquè no m'estimes

I'm gonna stay - em quedaré
You can't push me too far - no em pots empènyer fort
There's no space in my heart - No hi ha lloc al meu cor
Where I don't wanna love you - on no hi hagi amor per a tu

When there's no, no storm - si no hi ha cap tempesta
Then how can I feel the calm? - com no podré sentir la calma?
If there's nothing, nothing, nothing left to lose - Si no hi ha res, res, res a perdre
Then what is this feeling that keeps on bringing me back to you? - Llavors què és aquest sentiment que sempre em porta a tu?
So I'm gonna stay - em quedaré
When you just wanna fight - si tu lluites
When you're closing your eyes - si tu tanques els ulls
'cause you don't wanna love me -  perquè no m'estimes

So I'm gonna stay, yes, yes, yes, I will - Per això em quedaré, sí, sí, sí que ho faré
You can't push me too far -  no em pots empènyer fort
There's no space in my heart - no hi ha lloc al meu cor
Where I don't wanna love you - on no hi hagi amor per a tu
If you asked me to leave and I walked away - Si em fas marxar me'n aniré
We'd still be alone and we'd still be afraid. - Encara estariem sols i espantats
I'm going nowhere, - No me'n aniré enlloc
I'm going nowhere.

'cause I'm gonna stay - Perquè em quedaréWhen you just wanna fight - si tu lluitesAnd there's tears in your eyes - i no hi ha llàgrimes als teus ulls
'cause you don't wanna love me - perquè no vols estimar-me

I'm gonna stay - em quedaré
All the tears that I've cried - totes les llàgrimes que he plorat
I can leave them to dry - no les puc deixar assecar
If you don't wanna love me - si no vols estimar-me
And leave them to dry - i deixar que s'assequin
If you don't wanna love me - si no vols estimar-me

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